Building a business can be hard. We've got the magic (creativity + effective strategy) to make it a whole lot more fun, easier, more predictable, & lots less stressful.

Dear Dreamer & Optimist,

We know you got into business to make some dreams come true. Your dreams. Your customers' dreams. All the best dreams.

But...building a business can be hard. Really hard.

What started out as a dream has likely turned into a waking nightmare, or heck - even taking your day-to-day stresses and woes, and they're now haunting you in your sleep.

It's a vicious cycle being constantly on the hamster wheel. Especially when you feel like your hamster has been up for days like a kid hyped up on Mountain Dew and Red #40 at a slumber party.

You probably got started in your business because you have highly prized skills. Great skills. Valuable skills.

And the white, hot passion that burns with the fire of one thousand suns.

You've also got the desire to help people with those skills, and well gosh darn it - who knew there were so many moving parts to get to do what you actually really want to do?

And to top it all off - there is so much noise out there and it is hard to decipher what is signal.

Which of those little pill-sized pieces of advice is/are actually the right magic bean(s) to grow your fantastic stalks?

Do you run FB ads?

Google ads?

YouTube Ads?

Do you start a TikTok account?

Hire influencers?

Do you post daily on LinkedIn - shraing some deeply personal life story and turned it into a lesson that you have made about your business?

Do you try SEO? Isn't SEO dead?

What about AI?...Is SkyNet here, already?

What is reputation management and why bother with reviews?

(Ready to go bald after tearing your hair out, yet?)

Magic Beans - Not More"Shiny Objects"

Your "can do" attitude and the "next best thing," causing you to have an endless to-do list of everything and at the same time nothing (truly productive)?

That sounds like hell.

Sounds like a rude and angry giant shouting, "Fee Fi Foe Fum!"

And not going to lie - we'd take being pulverized by that giant's massive club and having our bones ground into dust to make his bread over running a business like that.

But this is not about us, Dear Reader. Dear Dreamer. Dear Optimist. Dear Hero.

No no...this is about YOU!

You're here somehow because in some way, your business is not where you want it to be.

Leaving you to feel more like the character in distress that is really just a plot device, instead of the hero slaying the dragon, getting the treasure, and becoming royalty through marriage.

Or you could be in your own castle, but want a palacial upgrade. You want more.

More money.

More freedom.

More available time.

More predictability.

More, "Yes!"

It all starts by deciding that you want to write a different story for yourself. For your business. For your friends and family. For your community.

Save Yourself YEARS of Costly Trial & Error

By Using Our System to Run Your Business on Intelligent Autopilot

Why waste years and lots of dollars struggling along, trying to figure things out for yourself?

Skip being ground to dust and turned into giant's bread (even if you're not at all English)...

Finally - you can say an enthusiastic, "Hello!" to growth on (almost) autopilot like you were meeting the love of your life for the first time.

No more guesswork.

No more stabbing in the dark.

No more shooting from the hip and, "seeing what happens."

No more sleepless nights and waking nightmares.

Instead, now you have the power to grow you business on (almost) autopilot.

Plant your Magic Beans:

By using a proven, backed-by-science, complete client acquisition system.

Attract your ideal clients and enchant them in your funnel, keep them engaged and converted with the right frameworks, and intelligently integrate our new robot friends so all of this science can create results that feel like magic.

Here is a Brief Outline of What We'll Cover in Your FREE 30-Min Consultation...

• WARNING: You Could Be At Serious Risk Of Letting Leads Fall Through the Cracks

Are you doing manual follow up with your cold leads? Bad idea! We’ll show you why this is a HUGE mistake and how it leaves you open to losing lots of money!

• The Proven Lead Generation & Nurturing Strategies We’ve Used To Book Thousands of Appointments and Close Millions of Dollars

We’ll reveal the bullet proof strategies we’ve used to generate over $100 million in revenues for ourselves and our clients consistently for the past 4 years.

• The Devastating Mistakes Made By Virtually All Business Oeners

Nearly every person looking to grow their business to be able to remove themselves from it makes these common yet fatal mistakes – find out what they are so you can avoid them!

• 3 Simple Tips To Improve Your Bottom Line Without Breaking the Bank

These strategies can help you boost revenues, increase profit margins, and allow you to go from the fire to the pot YEARS faster than you ever thought possible

• The Old Myths & Downright Lies Told By The Marketing Industry

Many people still believe these old wives-tales and dirty lies told by the marketing and advertising industry – find out what they are so you can protect yourself

95% of Business Owners Will Never Scale Their Business Without the Right Help

Sadly, 95% of business owners will never reach their revenue targets, time ambitions, and have that greater impact because they shutter within the first five years never having escaped the minutia.

It’s not their fault, they just haven’t been taught how to attract and retain their most ideal clients that value their services.  It doesn’t have to be this way for you though.  We can show you exactly what we did to book thousands of appointments, and how our clients generated 8 and 9-figures, using the same strategies. Reserve your consultation today to see how you can achieve a similar result, and do it much faster than you ever thought was possible.

Here’s Another Taste Of What You Can Expect When You Book Your FREE Consultation…

  • The Cold Hard TRUTH About The Online Space
    We reveal what’s REALLY happening behind the scenes and why it seems so much harder to get your ideal clients in the current marketplace.

  • 3 Little Tips to Help You x2-x5 Revenues + Increase Profit Margins Quickly & Easily
    We’ve used these tips and tricks to accelerate the results for our clients so they can scale their business much faster – now YOU can do the same!

  • Why an Organic Traffic Strategy Alone Isn’t Always The Best Choice For You
    Content marketing and SEO is always the best, right? Wrong! We’ll show you whythere’s a lot more to it than first meets the eye and what to do instead.

  • The Vital Key To Increasing Your Run Rate As Fast As Possible
    This all-important piece of the puzzle is crucial to earning more while spending less to acquire your customers and without it you are doomed to failure – make sure you have this at all costs!

  • What Never To Do When Launching a Paid Ad Campaign
    Please, never EVER do this on your journey to breaking through to 7, 8, and even 9-figures (unless you want to stay “okay,” for YEARS longer than you need to.

Our Rock-Solid, "Slay the Giant," 100% Money-Back Guarantee

When you join us at Magic Beans Creative Growth, you can invest with confidence because  you’ll always be covered by our money back guarantee. You're getting real beans that will turn into a real stalk that brings you to the land of giants.

In the extremely unlikely event we can’t help you get on track to at least x2 your revenues within 90-days, we’ll refund every cent you’ve invested with us – no questions asked.

What does a (digital) marketing agency even do?

In an ideal scenario - a digital marketing agency should be the best friend and ally to your business. They shouldn't just be there to throw some milquetoast ads together for you and collect checks.

No, no, no.

Not up here in the clouds.

An agency worth their salt should know your business inside and out. Even with industry knowledge and expertise, no two businesses in the same sector are the same.

You're unique. Your business is unique.

You shouldn't be getting cookie-cutter "answers," and proposed, "solutions," to your challenges and opportunities for growth. Part of the work is to analyze your website's traffic and where it is currently coming from, and where to effectively get more. Striking the balance between your Ad Spend budget and the returns you get.

Unlike the other agencies out there, we are not into balance. We want you to absolutely smash your goals out of the atmosphere, and get all of the treasure and best the giants. We want you to be legendary! We want to turn those website visitors into customers, keep those customers coming back, and bring your the highest ROI possible.

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Will I get a return on my investment? Do you offer a guarantee?

Without any doubt or equivocation - yes!


We put our money where our mouth is, and as the kids are saying these days, "we stand on business." We're going to roll our sleeves up and get to growing the biggest, tallest, most towering beanstalk possible.

(Not even sure that use of slang is proper ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ )

At any rate, we are so confident that our methods, and systematized processes are effective that we guarantee you'll see a return on your investment, or you get every single red cent you've invested with us.

We deliver, or you don't pay.

No questions asked.

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What all is involved with digital marketing?

The long and the short of it...there are no one-size-fits-all answers. It's like asking, "what color is a dog?"

The answer really depends on your business. No two businesses are the same, even within the same industry.

What may be working well for your competitor, might not be the right approach for you. They may be crushing it with social media, and may benefit from some SEO strategies to build their backlinks. But you may be ranking #1 for numerous keywords, and may benefit from the right paid traffic strategies.

Given the inumerable differences between each and every business, our solutions are created in total and complete partnership with you. Heck, that beanstalk could turn into a glass elevator. (Mixing the lore here, but it works.)

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What kind of businesses do you work with?

Are you serious about scaling your operations and taking your business to the next level? We can work together.

Do you want to have access to mythical-level expertise to augment your team to become legendary in your pursuit of absolutely crushing your growth goals? We can work together.

It doesn't matter if you have a sprawling enterprise, just a few employees, or just you - if you understand the value of spening $1 to earn $10, we can work together!

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Success Stories

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Angel Witicker

Head of Marketing, Extra Space

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

Debra Becker

Founder & CEO, Divi Corner

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John Wise

Head of Design, Elegant Themes

Claim Your FREE No-Obligation 30-Minute Consultation

(Valued at $1997)

During this no-obligation call, our experts will discuss your specific situation and how we can help you integrate and leverage AI-powered systems to explode your business growth in the shortest time possible. Get you to move from, "ready to trade your cow," to, "bringing home the treasure," at the speed of folklore.

Here’s what you’ll discover in your FREE consultation…

  • How to automate your business development for serious growth in just days, not years, without flushing thousands of dollars on ineffective ad campaigns.

  • The exact process we’ve used to take hundreds of clients from broke and stressed, working tirelessly in their businesses to running a well-oiled machine that produces for them when they are turned off, tuned out, and asleep.

  • The biggest problem people come to us with that keeps them hopping from agency to agency to try and find the silver bullet – no matter what else they do!

***This is ONLY for people who are serious about at least x2-ing their business in the next 90 days and places are strictly limited. Enter your details below now to avoid disappointment and secure your consultation.***

Ready to Get Growing? Get Oriented on the Map for Your Next Adventure Below:

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We’ve Got You Covered

Brand Design & Strategy

True up, Re-Brand, and Story Building. To be known, you have to be knowable! We make sure your specific sparkle really shines!

Social Media Management

Keep your customers engaged and engage with them! We help you handle the dirt so you can focus on delivering value.

Audience Analytics + AI Integration

Your riches lie within how well your audience and target market are aligned. Even more so with how well you know them - we have the tools to make you their best friend when they need you!


Get your website ranked so Google sends you free traffic. Organic traffic is the gift of free customers from the Internet Giants - we know their rules, so you can eat at their tables.


Your words are magic - and we are master spell-casters. Attract and bind your ideal customers, and Abracadabra - your business is revealed as the answer they are looking for!

Team Training

Is your team ready for the influx of business and work you're about to give them? Do they know how to use and leverage systems and tools that make their lives easier and jobs more efficient? We've got the instructions to grow those stalks!

Website Development

Need a website to join the 21st centure? Website stuck in the past? Website not actually bringing you any money? Those things are keeping you on the ground, but a small change can have huge impact. This service is free, ask how.

Email Marketing

Have a list of your customers? Don't have one yet, but want to create one? If you already acquired the customer, you don't have to pay for them again! More than likely, they would want to spend their money with you again, so let's ask them!


Ready To Make a Real Change? Let’s Meet Giants Together!

@ Copyright 2024 - Magic Beans Creative Growth LLC |

All rights reserved